Sustainable Agriculture

While we take our beautiful countryside for granted, protecting the land takes a lot of hard work. It is the product of farmers working in harmony with the natural world.

Of course, farmers have an economic self-interest in protecting the land – it safeguards their livelihood and way of life as well as being an important asset to pass onto the next generation.

Farmers are already under pressure to produce more food with the same amount of land. With the world’s rising population, this challenge looks set to increase. That is why we consider farming to be the biggest job on earth.

We pledge to enable farmers to grow more quality food, more efficiently. Sustainable agriculture is the only viable path forward – the only solution that acknowledges the world’s limited resources and addresses the challenge of feeding an ever-expanding population.

We will continue to help shape and lead the debate in sustainable agriculture. In everything we do, we promise to do all we can to support farmers and leave a positive legacy for future generations. We will move forward together.

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